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Are You Living God’s Plan?

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For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10

The Lord has a unique plan for each of us and if we are living God’s plan then we are living life to the full. Many people have asked me about God’s plan for their life. I tell them the story of Joseph, son of Jacob.

At the age of seventeen Joseph was sold to slavery by his brothers and as taken to Egypt where he became slave to Potiphar, captain of the guard. He worked for Potiphar and later was falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife because he wouldn’t yield to her sexual advances. He spent years in prison and at the age of thirty he interpreted a dream for pharaoh of Egypt and was promoted second in command in Egypt. The dream said seven years of good crops followed by seven years of famine. The famine spread to Canaan where his father and brothers lived and Joseph moved them to Egypt.

God’s plan for Joseph was to save the Israelite nation, which then consisted of his father Jacob, his eleven brothers and their families. During the time Joseph served Potiphar and his time in prison, he had no idea what God’s plan was for his life. Potiphar recognized that God blessed Joseph in everything he did so Potiphar put him in charge. Likewise in the prison the warden saw how Joseph was blessed by God and put him in charge. God prepared Joseph for thirteen years before he was ready to fulfill His plan.

The purpose of the story of Joseph is to show that the Lord is preparing us for more difficult and more rewarding tasks. We are led by the Spirit and serve the Lord faithfully every day, then someday we will know God’s plan for our life. Then he said to them all: Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. (Luke 9:23). If we live by this verse seeking to follow the Lord through the Spirit, then we will spiritual grow and fulfill the Lord’s plan.

The Lord has a plan for each of us and the Lord is pleased if we fulfill his plan. Not all plans are like Joseph, becoming second in command of all Egypt, or maybe not preaching all over the world, but whatever plan the Lord has it is divinely important. The purpose of all of God’s plans are common, to point souls toward Christ. We may be called to do this in many ways, but it’s most important to reflect Christ to everyone. Remember the most important thing we can do in life is point people to Christ.

Today you are living God’s plan just as Joseph was living God’s plan while a slave and while imprisoned. He was training him to become second in command of all Egypt and to save his Fathers family. Live today for Christ by reflecting his kindness and love. Keep growing spiritually and seek to serve the Lord each day.

Prayer: Lord, guide me to fulfill your plan for my life. Help me to reflect Christ to everyone as I follow the Spirit. Guide me to always walk in your divine will. In Jesus name, Amen