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Get on God’s Clock

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Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield.

Psalm 33:30

We live in a fast-paced world with many people seeking instant gratification.  This environment can easily create impatience in us. I remember in my early life people were more relaxed and patient. In the evening, we would sit on the front porch and talk to our neighbors who walked by our house.  No one was in a hurry and we enjoyed the company.  At the age of seventy-five, I still remember the pleasure I experienced on those summer evenings sitting on the front porch.

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25) If we try to keep in step with the Spirit, we will slow down inside and our emotions will cease driving us to rush through life.  If we cannot slow down inside, it will be virtually impossible to slow down our life.

Getting on God’s clock requires patience, which is one of the fruits of the Spirit. God wants us to be patient in all things because it relaxes us and helps us to keep our focus on serving Christ. I often imagine how my days would be if I had perfect patience. I found that the more faith I have in Christ the more patient I can be. When I feel rushed, I pray for patience and I begin to relax and slow down to a comfortable pace.  Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.(Ephesians 4:2)  Being humble and gentle with our words, helps us to be patience and to reflect Christ.  How can we reflect Christ if we are not patiently searching for opportunities to minister to someone and have the patience to minister to someone?

Patience is fruit of the Spirit and how can we have peace and joy if we are impatient and rushed?  Impatience can easily take away our peace and joy, while being patient can add to our peace and joy.  Love will also help us to be patient because it instills in us the desire to be Christ-like.

Living on God’s clock requires waiting on the Lord, and this is much easier if we trust the Lord and live as his servant.  Bringing Christ to others is all fulfilling and rewarding and actually helps us with our patience. Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord. (Psalm 27:14)

Today seek to be patient because Satan will tempt you to rush through your day trying to make your day ineffective for Christ. Satan wants you to rush through your day so you will not make time reflect Christ.  So, whatever you do today, be relaxed and patient.  It reveals peace and joy in Christ.

Prayer:  Lord, help me to be paced by the timing of the Spirit, and to never rush but to be still inside and know you.  Help me to commune with you through the day because you will keep me on your clock with my heart filled with love, peace, and joy.  In Jesus’ name, Amen