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No Mountain to Big

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The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.

Psalm 34:19

We live in a fallen world and we all have mountains to overcome and this includes both Christians and non-Christians. There are extremely difficult problems that can cause hurt and pain, and there are little problems that can give us aggravation and anger. What mountain are you facing today? How do we climb one mountain after another and find the strength, wisdom, courage, and the hope to continue?

The Lord has the answer to give us the strength to endure through the hurt and pain we experience. I will explain God’s plan to rescue us from this fallen world and help us to climb over every mountain to victory in Christ.

  1. Accept Christ as your Savior and receive the internal Holy Spirit. We are now armed to climb over any mountain.
  2. Read the Word, pray, and have a church family with close Christian friends.
  3. The next steps are to bring us closer to the Lord and receive his strength.
  • “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'” (Luke 10:27) Strengthen your love for the Lord through his Word, through prayer, and reflect his love to others.
  • If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters–yes, even their own life–such a person cannot be my disciple. (Luke4:26) The word “hate” is used to compare our love for family to the love we have for God, and if we love God more, then we have more love for our family. We are to love the Lord more than anyone or anything in this life. This brings us closer to the Lord which is necessary because hurt and pain can come from people closest to us.
  • We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. (2 Corinthians 5:20) Learn to see yourself as an ambassador in a foreign land, and you are here as the Lord’s servant, to reveal Christ to lost souls in the fallen world. When your assignment in this foreign country is over, the Lord will bring you home in heaven with him and greet with you with; “Well done my good and faithful servant.”


  • Live in freedom as the Lord’s servant and leave the results in his hands. Know that the Lord takes care of his servants because their faith is pleasing to him.


These steps will arm you to endure any Mountain Satan can put in your path. The Lord will guide you over the mountain through the Holy Spirit. Read the Word and learn the language of God so you can hear the Lord speaking to you through the Spirit. Know heaven is your home, walk secure in Christ, stand strong in Christ by reflecting his love and kindness. Keep walking with security in Christ and when you’ve conquered the mountain experience the victory in Christ.

Today walk with Lord and overcome any mountain you are facing. If there is a huge mountain in your life put it in God’s hands and walk victoriously with Christ and let him guide you with his love, wisdom, and power. Remember all things are possible for God, and he will give you whatever you need do endure.

Prayer: Lord thank you for the Holy Spirit who guides my over any mountain that I could ever encounter because I know all things are possible and your love for me is perfect. Help me to surrender and overcome anything on the face of the earth. Lord guide me this day to reflect Christ to everyone. In Jesus name, Amen